Friday, October 3, 2008
Make Sarah Palin answer your cellphone. For free!
During last night's V.P. debate, Gov. Sarah Palin referred to a NATO commander in the Afghanistan war as McClellan, not McKiernan.
McClellan was actually a commander of the Union Army in the Civil War.
Oh, now don't go picking those goshdarn nits!
No doubt this latest gaffe will be the next sound bite ringtone from, creators of the famous Shaq/Kobe feud rap ringtone, who are now injecting some (more) humor into the 2008 presidential campaign with -- ta-da! -- free Sarah Palin ringtones.
If you think Tina Fey’s Sarah Palin impersonation is a hoot, check out the real Sarah Palinisms, turned into ringtones.
Sarah Palin may not make the best interviewee as far as Katie Couric is concerned. But when Sarah's rambling responses are remixed into ringtones, it sounds like she could have a rap music career if this V.P. gig doesn't pan out.
My personal fave?
When Putin rears his head, rears his head.
Comes into American airspace.
Where do they go? Where do they go?
Photo courtesy of
Friday morning, Meg Whitman, the co-chair of McCain's campaign, will be on a panel with Penny Pritzker, Obama's national finance chair, discussing the campaign. After the debate, I asked Whitman what she thought of Palin's performance. "Good enough," she said.
OK... She did her job - to not further UN-do her job.
And, she exploited the tootsie-tactic of goading the sage pro.
as only someone like her could, yet...
The shrieking fact remains. Beyond a rather spotty telegenic-ness,
her worthlessness as a (potential) world leader is incalculable.
Batting the eyelashes, spewing twinkly platitudes, and upchucking crammed facts
ain't going to fix the what ails US. No way. No how.
So, as much as she may have moved her needle slightly, for the moment,
out of the trash - thinking people will still see her as unthinkable.
Her future as bait for talk-shows and lecture-circuits is secure.
A Republican named Sarah Palin tried to convince Americans that she was running on a populist ticket.
But Joe Biden reminded the voters sitting at those kitchen tables, in those small houses with big mortgages, that the man who heads that ticket, a Republican named John McCain, is not on their side.
And, in so doing, Biden did not merely score a debating point. He did what a vice presidential candidate is supposed to do. He helped the man who heads his ticket, a Democrat named Barack Obama, stake a significantly stronger claim on the presidency.
"In the end, the debate did not change the essential truth of Ms. Palin’s candidacy: Mr. McCain made a wildly irresponsible choice that shattered the image he created for himself as the honest, seasoned, experienced man of principle and judgment. It was either an act of incredible cynicism or appallingly bad judgment."
"At first I thought Sarah Palin was some kind of Republican pandering -- a misguided attempt to woo Hillary voters over to the dark side, as if they believed women voters were so stupid that they would vote for anyone in a skirt, but now I see that she is much, much worse. I have nothing against hockey moms -- I just don’t want to be one. If Sarah Palin had her way, she would take away that right not to be a mom. She wants to outlaw abortion -- so to call her a feminist is as laughable as calling evangelicals ‘Christians.’ They shouldn’t have the right to call themselves Christian, for they have no Christ-like attributes."
— Margaret Cho, on her blog
"It's amazing that a woman has come that far. But from what I know about her, her policies are not things I agree with."
— Meg Ryan, during a press junket for "The Women"